
The Story that I never Spoke

I was a Studious girl while in School. Growing up I realised I had potential to influence people by helping them. I was a Volunteer when it came to helping friends or family. I liked having deep meaningful conversation with people I met and striked a chord with life related topics.

Very soon in my life I had decided to be a Computer engineer and I did manage to achieve that goal of mine. Then I Worked for esteemed organisations like Techmahindra and Infosys Pune. Life was going really good when I got married and I had to quit my career due to my husband’s transferrable job. Lack of support from family and my lack of courage to stay away from newly found love life, made me not step outside my cosy comfortable, happening life full of parties. I knew, lack of career was haunting me from day 1 i left my job, but I also felt guilty of choosing my happiness over my family’s happiness. I felt guilty to leave house and pursue my dreams.

Then a beautiful thing happened in my life, a small baby girl arrived and everything seemed great at first, but soon I fell into Post Natal depression and went into unending cycle of negative thoughts. Somehow I managed to come out of it and here I was going for second baby and very happy that my family was about to get completed. Since I had no direction about what to do of my life, I decided to consider family as my happiness. I gave my 100% in taking care of my kids and In Laws.

Inside I felt empty. I used to attend Parties and laugh alot with ladies around. I used to speak alot and according to others I looked super gorgeous after becoming mother. They said, I was looking beautiful because I had embraced motherhood willingly and happily. Externally I agreed but internally my heart bleeded to have my own identity. Society tried to make me beleive that life was good for kids and me if I stayed with my husband and I should be sacrificing my desire to work and know by my name for happiness of kids and husband.

When they said all these things, I felt guilty for not looking at the brighter side of life. I felt guilty for not being happy in motherhood. I felt guilty for not reciprocating immense love that my husband showered on me. I felt guilty for not considering my husband as my world when clearly he considered me to be his world. I battled inside so much that one day I ended up crying for hours under shower.

I decided to speak to my husband about it. I walked upto him and told – “Listen, I don’t think this is working anymore. I need to leave”. To my surprise he held my shoulders and said – Go, wherever you want to go, but first make a base for yourself. What will you do with so much of career gap in your life? to which I had no answer. But then we both sat and decided to find a solution. With a 3 month old baby in my hand and a toddler, I set out on journey of self transformation and therapies and in depth studies and hours and hours of Training, getting degrees and certificates in Subjects related to Mind.

I spent lacks and lacks in my personal growth and solving my own mind related problems and once I was out of my mind battle I realised my Goal was not to just work, my goal was not to have just a Career, but my Vision was far more larger than life than I had ever thought about myself. I realised that my Vision was to help all those who go through situations like me. My Vision was to help Qualified Women who can make it to the top by their talent and skill and are still not working because of their Family or own mind  issues.

I decided to use all my counselling, Therapist, NLP, Mindfullness, Visualisation, Life coaching, Healing skills in bringing transformation in Womens lives who have given up their career for Family.

This way I have helped more than 2500 women on the planet as of now and aspire to help more and more women as I go ahead.

If you want to be a Part of this journey then Contact me and we shall become friends for ever.

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