
Journey towards success attracts right people in Life

Some people say, when you become successful you earn false friends and true enemies.

Well, I don’t know where this belief came from, because if we see people like TATA, Narayan Murty, then we realise that they have earned more and more love of people apart from earning money as well.The only reason people would believe in such beliefs is because they contemplated on the qualities one should NOT have after becoming successful rather than contemplating on qualities one should have after becoming successful.

E.g. if someone kept saying, I don’t want to be a person proud of money when I become successful then mind will delete word “not” and program itself to be proud after earning lot of money. Now the same person saying “I don’t want to be proud” will be most arrogant around with money

But if a person says “I want to be humble and caring throughout my success journey and after becoming successful too” then that person will turn out to be like humble stalwarts as I mentioned above.The truth is, we meet wrong people if we think about wrong qualities that we don’t want to have and we meet right people when we think about what we actually want in life.In my experience, we meet right people when we set out on journey of success and even though I have an experience of losing people once when I felt I had achieved something one can only dream of, I wouldn’t attach that incident to a permanent belief in my head that I am going to lose close people to success.

One off incident cannot determine my future. So all I do is, put an onus on my beliefs I had in past which attracted such incident in my life.And now, I am attracting all right kind of people in my life who are a part of my journey towards success and yes, its true. Not everybody loses people and best friends and loved ones to success.Hope you find light amidst all limiting beliefs you are holdingLove you loads and loads ❤💛💗💓💕 Sending you all the Positivity from this side.

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